
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

League and Tourney Champs!

SO, I've been posting pictures from Bayleigh's softball teams, but haven't been giving much information as to what is going on.
The league here in our small town ended on Friday, July 12th with a championship game that the girls won. They lost one game all season and it was the game that was a make-up--on a Thursday, that should've NEVER happened bc girls are only supposed to play on Monday's and Wednesday's, that Bayleigh and two other girls couldn't make it to.
We have had trouble this entire season. The coach Mark was not very nice. His temper is terrible and I am not 100% sure he ever came to one game sober. I was told that the game the girls lost he stomped off of the field, didn't huddle the girls, or say anything to the parents. He just left. Yeah, nice influence on our kids. I don't care if people drink. I enjoy a drink a couple of times per year myself, but to lead children in a coaching position drunk is a bit much. I kept my mouth shut. Bayleigh is in his daughter's grade so I will be around him more in our lives and I just don't want trouble.
The league made up a few rules and while I get the point of doing so, the new rules were dumb. This is the way they SHOULD'VE been in place in my opinion. If a ball is over thrown to first base then the runner can ONLY go to second base IF they can make it. That way a homerun can't be made out of an over throw. I get that. HOWEVER, it was that if there was an over throw at first base then the ball became a dead ball and every runner, even if someone is on third with second base being empty, got to advance one base. WHAT?! NO, that should've never been made. During the championship game, our first baseman simply dropped the ball at her feet and the ump called it an over throw! RIDICULOUS! Speaking of the ump...
She has been the ump on this diamond since Bayleigh was 5 years old and started there and for some reason, the last week of the games she turned into a total jerk face to me. She became really defensive about EVERYTHING, whether I was talking to her or someone beside me. There was a time when the other team had a girl do something and I started to tell her that that would've been the perfect time to TEACH the girl and both teams that rule. She cut me off and shouted, THEY'RE JUST KIDS! As if I was asking for an out or something. So, I was frustrated and told her that before she interrupted me I was saying it was a great learning opportunity since that is what that small diamond is supposed to be for, but that'd I'd just keep my mouth shut!
Then we went to watch Bayleigh's BFF play the tourney game and there was an over throw and the parents on the BFF's team shouted that it was an over throw so why did the girls have to go back? Well, I wasn't aware, nor were the other parents aware that the overthrow had to go foul. She walks up to me at the end of the game and rudely says, in a threatening way, I KNOW YOU WASN'T ONE OF THE PARENTS YELLING AT ME! I said, well as a matter of fact, yes I was! What the heck! I was down by the scoreboard and had no intentions of speaking to her and then she came at me. The only thing I said was it was overthrown. That was it. Nothing more than what the other parents had shouted.
The final game, the championship game we had to play and we played against Bayleigh's BFF and I was running the dugout, like I had every time we were not in home position and that ump always hands the bats to me around the fence so I can hang them up. She looked at me at one point and said, I'd like to hit you with this bat! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?! I told her that if she ever hit me I WOULD hit her back and I am not a violent person! I don't know where her attitude came from or why, but I am pretty sure that between her and the drunk coach, we won't be going back to this league.
This was a winning season for Bayleigh. It should've been SO MUCH FUN for her, her team, and us parents. Instead, it was terrible. Nobody wants to go sit for over an hour at a diamond where there is so much rudeness and hostility. It isn't worth it. It's sad too because softball is a sport that Bayleigh LOVES and is really good at, so to feel run off on our hometown fields feels pretty bad.  The whole thing is just really sad. I don't want to see this league go under, but I refuse to stay in a league that is so full of attitude and inconsistency. (in the umps calls and her rules). A lot of people don't like the board members, I can honestly say that I DO. I am friends with several of them and I have never had a problem with them. They have always been nice to me and I like them. I don't want to go to them with my complaints because I don't want to give them a reason to not like me. It isn't my program to run and I am just a mom. I won't overstep my bounds and offer my suggestions when I don't know all of the rules myself. I am just saddened by the whole thing. Decisions at this point need to be made and I do already know which way we are leaning in those decisions. :(
Here's pictures from the final game. Trophies for winning the championship game. Medal for being 1st in the league.
 Emma Pearson, Alyssa Benson, Bayleigh
 Emma, Alyssa, Dan the Asst. Coach, Bayleigh, Sophie Hudnall


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