
Monday, December 13, 2010

Bass Pro, Good Friends and Snow....

I was never so happy to get out of the car on Saturday! :) We got up and decided since Bayleigh was feeling better and not contagious that we would go visit David, Jennifer, Benjamin, and Ethan in Bloomfield. The ride down was nice. It's a 2 hour drive. Our plans were to go to Clarksville to the Bass Pro Shop and visit Santa and then go to dinner. We decided that since money is tight for all we would just get together and go to dinner and just be together. Drew, Stacia, and Nolan were unable to attend because they had to get their Christmas shopping done. :/
Once we got down there, I helped by giving Nolan his bath. I forgot how different it is to bathe a tiny, tiny baby! We got all done and loaded into the truck and all rode together. We met a friend of David's and his family in Bedford and carpooled down. It was rainy and yucky, but it was great to get to sit in the back and just catch up with good friends. We did Bass Pro, got some Christmas shopping done--which officially ends our need for big gifts. Minus Eric and Rachel, but it's just a matter of getting to the store to get theirs because we already know what we are buying. We celebrate with them on New Year's Eve so we have time.
After finishing at the BPS we headed back into Bedford and hit Golden Corral. It was good. By the time we got there we were all starving, so the buffet really hit the spot. We then went back to David and Jennifer's and watched a movie and headed to bed.
Sunday, upon waking, the snow was already falling. David made us breakfast and then I took Ethan's newborn pictures. That is a lot harder than I expected. I think I got a couple of good shots though. :) After taking pictures Drew, Stacia, and Nolan came over to visit on their way to lunch. Nolan is growing so quickly! He is quite the handsome baby as well. :) After that we headed home. HOLY CRAP! It was SLICK! A 2 hour drive took us over 5. We did stop at Steak-N-Shake in Bloomington because right off the bat we got hung up in a wreck. The traffic was backed up for miles. I pray everyone involved was OK, but it looked pretty bad.
I am just happy that we made it safely home. Slow and steady wins the race and that is the mindset we drove with. I say we drove, but really Larry drove! LOL!
Hope you are all ready for the Christmas holiday! I know we sure are. If you have to be out in bad weather please use additional caution and be safe. Thanks for Checking in!
Love, Jenn

Saturday, December 11, 2010, Clarksville, IN Bass Pro Shop.

Sunday, December 12, 2010: Ethan James!!!

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1 comment:

  1. What a gorgeous baby. You did GREAT with the pictures! And... your baby took a great picture with Santa's helper too :O)
