
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tree Down: CHECK!

Let me start today's post off with a shout out to heaven.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO PAPA! Today, he would have been 90 years old! He gets to celebrate with God today. Even though we miss him terribly here--knowing he is in a far better place really makes remembering him and his life really makes it much easier.

We have had one busy week and weekend! As mentioned in the previous post, Bayleigh's room is completely cleaned and organized! What a job!!! Getting her room done really motivated both Larry and me to get the rest of the house done. It was slow going and, as always, got way worse before it got better--way worse. LOL! I am happy to report that much of the evening involved sitting around and just simply enjoying the perks of a clean house!!! It feels great to FINALLY have things put where they belong after months, and I mean MONTHS of sitting in their respective places just waiting to be put away. AND, da da da daaaaaa----THE CHRISTMAS TREE IS DOWN! ANNNNNNND, it's put away! WHEW! I am so happy that is done. Now the biggest task left to do--my office! Oh, that overwhelms me just thinking about it. Don't expect a post anytime soon with cheers of my accomplishment in that room!

Other than cleaning not too much is going on. We did end up having a rough week last week with Bayleigh not wanting to go to school. After a few discussions with her teacher, including a final lengthy one I believe she has figured out what is going on and why Bayleigh has been upset. I won't go into that here. Let's just say....IF her teacher is right, then hopefully the problem will work itself out very soon and all will be well again. I remember how tough school was socially and I hate that Bayleigh is already having struggles with it. ((Even though I am not going into details, I can tell you it is nothing she has done to instigate or cause her to not want to go)).

Let's move on....SO, Indiana is due to be hit with some pretty nasty winter weather tomorrow night thru Wednesday evening. I have read, on Facebook, that it's supposed to be the worst storm we have had in 12 years and a big Ice event for us here. This is the first time this winter that I'm making sure we have emergency gear prepared in case of an outage. By that I simply mean simple foods, wood for the garage, candles, and flashlights. The funny thing is, mom lives directly across from us and we are on different power lines so if we go out we can walk over there and if she goes out she can come here. If we both go out, if it gets cold enough we will start the wood stove and play board games in the garage. :)

So, that is your Rutherford News! Not very exciting, but still it's news. LOL! Hope are are all doing well! Until next blog!


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