
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Goodbye JUNK!

The Rutherford home has been bustling these last few days!!! Friday night we headed up to the Waldron Basketball game to watch the Mohawks play. It was fun. It was the Homecoming game so it was cool to see the banners, the floats, and the court--even though I had no clue who the kids were on it. I was quite surprised to see the the skimpy dresses they are allowed to wear now days. LOL! Just 10 years ago, OK almost 11, we couldn't even wear spagetti straps and now they barely wear anything--seriously, one girl's business was barely covered!!!! Let's just say that there will be a mom inspection and approval before Bayleigh walks out my door at that age. I am sure Larry will be right beside me in that decision--like most I should add. LOL!
Saturday was LAZZZY! I spent most of the day reading and Larry spent most of the day watching movies. Sunday we went to Kim's for lunch and it was DELICIOUS!!! Veggie Soup if you are wondering. Then it was off to the grocery store and home.
I decided on Monday that the disaster we call Bayleigh's room was getting cleaned up from top to bottom! It was nice to see her so willing to help me go through her things and to decide what she wanted to have donated and what was actually just trash. She was proud to help me today unload the bag out of the truck to be donated. She really does have a HUGE heart. As far as her has taken us two days to go through it and get it organized and cleaned up! It's safe to say we live a spoiled life. My desire to get her room done has influenced both Larry and I to work on the whole house. He tore into the DC room and it looks nice and next to come is our family rooms and our bedroom. I'm tired of the clutter and I'm tired of being a Sagittarius Stacker!!! Yes, I just blamed my stacking flaw on me being a Sagittarius. LOL! Tonight Larry said we are taking down the tree, but to be honest---I am exhausted. I think I may see if tomorrow will be better so that I can go to bed early tonight. Not to mention, there's a bat in our attic and I have not desire to go back in there! LOL!
Hope this blog finds all of you well! Thanks for checking in and until next blog!
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