This week I am just exhausted! I literally woke up EVERY single day LATE! I know that it's because 1. I am flat tired, and 2. because with the air conditioner upstairs and the fan running to pull the air into our room, I just don't hear the alarms--either of them. I can add a 3. for today, my cell phone died in the middle of the night sometime and so I was down an alarm this morning. :(
**on a side note, is anyone having troubles with the blog composer besides me? The photos upload in text form and I can't change my font color.**
SO, back at it....This week has seemed to just FLY by. I really can't even believe that it is Friday. It's been hot--too hot to even play outside much. :(
Monday, Bayleigh had a game and they WON! Way to go Waldron Health Care! :) Grammy, Papa, Uncle Eric, Aunt Rachel, Cousin Max, and Uncle Chuck came to watch her play as well. I was working so after the game I had 2 extra kiddios. We went back to Tony's house to hang out and we were supposed to have dinner there, but everything was frozen and nobody could decide what to do. It was 8:30 and I was hungry, and my kids were hungry, and so was everyone else, so we decided to load up and hit Pizza Hut. It was good. It was a good time. It was fun hanging out with everyone.
Tuesday my girlfriend sent me a text and asked what I was doing. I was working an open to close that day. It's funny to hear me say that, but it's the easiest way to describe it. LOL! Anyhoo, She wanted to invite us to her church for VBS and then offered to take Bayleigh with her to join Avery and Silas. Of course she wanted to go and immediately ran upstairs to get dressed to go. Here's what she came down in....

and here are a couple pictures from my friend Jennifer's phone of Bayleigh and Silas dancing and in their group! SO CUTE!

Wednesday Melanie had to work 12-close so I was working late again and so Jennifer came again and picked Bayleigh up and took her to VBS. They left early to meet Steve, Jennifer's husband, for dinner at McDonalds. Bayleigh thought that was a lot of fun as well. I think that the break from mom and dad, and the kids here was needed for her. :) When they got home, I was missing her and was excited for the one on one so once Melanie left Bayleigh and I got into our swimsuits and headed out to her new kiddie pool. LOL! It's like 33 inches deep, so when I sit it's to my neck. It was nice sitting out there counting the stars, watching the airplanes, and enjoying the moon light.
Last night was the last night for VBS and Jennifer invited me to join them. I was So happy I did! It was their program where they sang and did their little dances. I would have been disappointed if I'd had missed that. It was nice because my friend Melissa attends that church too and her son Jacob was in the age group with Silas and Bayleigh so they all stood next to each other during the program so we could watch them all easily. They said they had 300 kids attend that VBS! Thank you Jennifer for taking Bayleigh and letting her be part of the activities. She had a wonderful time and the break for momma was so nice too, even though I was working. :)
Larry was going to go to Colin's game, but he came home with a really terrible headache so he ended up sleeping it off. When we got home Bayleigh and I headed for the pool again and Larry joined us. It was so relaxing. Makes me want a hot tub really bad. :)
Tonight is SUPER busy as well! Colin has a game at 7:15 and then I have to go to town and buy a birthday present for Miss Maddie, I am sure we will eat before shopping, I have other things to buy too, but can't remember at this time. Tomorrow, we are going to dinner with family and then my cousins are spending the night with my mom so I told her I'd help her with them. FUN!!! Bayleigh LOVES to play with Penelope! Then Sunday, providing Elliot and Penelope are gone I have My Miss Maddie's 2nd birthday party. Her birthday isn't until Christmas Eve, but like her mom said, "who wants their party on Christmas Eve??" :)I hope we get to go, Heather is a party planner like myself and puts a ton of effort into her work. She said Bayleigh could play in the pool too, and I want to meet Sandy their dog. :) LOL! I know meeting a dog sounds silly, but I have heard so much about her.
Then, Monday rolls back around and I have to shoot for not over sleeping like I did this week. :)
Thanks for checking in on us. Enjoy your weekend!