
Friday, December 10, 2010

Scratch That Pink Eye!

So, we got some great news, eghhh news, and some bad news....
I took Bayleigh to her eye doctor's office this afternoon and the great news is.....she does NOT have pink eye! YEAHHHH! She has Episcleritis which is inflammation of the eye and that caused the blister on her eye ball as well. It is NOT contagious and any discomfort she has is as bad as it will get. She has to have 1 drop in her right eye, 4 times each day, for 7 days. I take her back on Friday, December 17th at 8 AM for a check up because sometimes the drops require a second round to work. So YEAH for that great news.
The eghhh news is.....since January her vision has changed again. BOOOOOO! Before her glasses she was a 20/30 and a 20/40 and now with her glasses she is a 20/30 and a 20/40. :/ She goes back in January for her annual exam and so we picked out her glasses she will get in January tonight. I hope that maybe after this new set her eyes won't continue to get worse. I know that as of right now that isn't bad, but her dad's eyes are terrible and it is looking like she is getting his vision problems from him. Yes, I have glasses, but he is basically blind without his.
The bad news soon as we were leaving the office, Larry shoved Bayleigh out the door, while I waited for the note from school and medicine and she puked all over the lawn! CRAP! He shoved her because he heard her starting to upchuck. LOL! I thought we were over that. I am HOPING that it was just her nerves that made her sick because she was so worried she was going to have to get a shot. I pinky promised her she wouldn't, but she was still scared. Luckily she is feeling much better.
So, that is what the update is. I thought for sure pink eye because Allie just came off pink eye last week, but it just is a fluke that she gets this right after. Even the pediatrician thought pink eye after I explained the symptoms. I am so glad I had Shelley, (we LOVE her), from eye doctors office call me last night. What a relief. :)
Thanks for checking in.
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