
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Life is (you fill in the blank)....

My old boss used to say, Jenn-life is difficult. When something would come up and we would get frustrated that was our little thing. I'd look at him or he would look at me and we'd just simply say, Life is difficult. Rick was kind of the father figure in my life that wasn't there for the brief period I worked for him. I respected his opinion. He would tend to make sure that he tried to influence me down the right paths in life. I respected him. No, I respect him--present tense. I was 18-20 years old when I worked for Rick. Him and I still talk about once a year just to say hello and see how things are going, but this week I have been thinking a lot about him. Not so much him, but our little quirky phrase: Life is difficult. As I am getting older and as I am growing up I am realizing what he was talking about. I just wish the phrase could have been, Jenn-life is more difficult at times than you'd ever think it to be. That would have probably prepared me better for this world.

On Tuesday, one of my best friends gave birth to her son. Benjamin Charles. He has had a very rough few days and I have taken this opportunity to realize exactly how fast life can change--by fast, I mean in the blink of an eye. It's no secret that I pray every night. It's also no secret that those prayers are done silently in my head. My prayers are more like conversations with God. Of course he doesn't talk back with words, but he is listening and he, as silently as I say my prayers, is silently taking care of the things we need him to do. I am thankful for that. I am not going to go into details about Benjamin. I am going to keep that private because I know Jennifer and David don't want all the details on this Internet for the world to read, but I will just say that I will continue to pray for Benjamin, Jennifer, and David and I ask that those that are reading add them to your prayers also.

I am not going to let the FACT that life is difficult out weigh the FACTS that life is also amazing, beautiful, stressful, confusing, wonderful, blessed, and what we make of it. I have a BEAUTIFUL, LOVING, CARING, WONDERFUL family. My friends are just as equally important to me as my family too and my list of friends just continues to grow as I meet new and wonderful people. For that I am thankful. I have many, many, many things to be thankful for. I know that my life is truly a blessed life and I can't ask for anymore than that.

The picture for the post is one I took this week of Bayleigh is where she wanted a popsicle, before dinner, and her daddy told her no. Which was a rule that we came up with together, but he had to enforce it. So with that being said, I am also thankful that Bayleigh's biggest bummer of the day: was simply not getting a popsicle before dinner. I have learned that it could have been so much worse than that. I wish for her that this could be the biggest bummer she will have ever. Hey, I said wish. :)

Thanks for reading! Jenn

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