
Monday, August 10, 2009

Camping 08/2009

This past weekend, August 7-9, 2009 we met with Larry's side of the family and went on our annual camping trip to Mississinewa Lake up by Peru, IN. It was a blast!
I was so nervous for the trip. I have this anxiety thing going on and just the thought of the long drive and possibility of seeing snakes scared me to death. LOL! I made up my mind once we arrived that I was just going to let it all go. I prayed for God to keep any snakes away from me. I didn't want to see them, hear of them, nothing--I wanted nothing to do with them. I also thanked God for getting us up there safely and prayed for a great, safe trip and a safe ride home. He, once again, came thru for us. :) I particuarly like this trip the best of all our traditional trips, well, it's a close tie with our cabin trip in December, because we are all able to get together and just hang out. Part of us are from here in central IN, part are from Northern IN, and some from Muncie. The kids always have a great time and us adults can just be...together. That is what I like, the together.
Not much else is going on in the Rutherford home. Bayleigh does start her second of two years of preschool tomorrow. She is looking forward to that. I am sure I will blog her first day soon too. I am currently considering a second job. Just something to help us not struggle, anticipating the winter gas bill and holidays. I have applied to a couple places online, but with the economy being where it is, I can just hope for the best. If I get something fine, and if I don't...well, my faith is with God. We will be fine. Below, out of order, are pictures from our trip. Thanks for checking in with us and have a great week.

Bayleigh transporting the water for the ditch. Elijah working hard.
Bayleigh pouring the water into the ditch with Elijah and Josh supervising.
Bayleigh packing the sand for her castle, that never came about.

Elijah showing Larry how to use the rip stick.

Kaleb doing the same.

Bayleigh, crammed into her 24 month swimsuit. I didn't want to ruin her new one at the lake.

Kim and Theresa carrying Joseph to the campfire so he wasn't sleeping on the ground away from us.

Bayleigh playing her Leapster. She was just being good and quiet as it got late.

The group loaded up and ready for the beach on Saturday. Josh, Kaleb, Whitney, Elijah, Tony, Kaitlynn, Bayleigh, Theresa, Cody (Josh's friend), and Larry. Oh and Maddie the dog.

Us girls. Me, Bayleigh, Kaitlynn, Kim, Theresa, and Whitney on the bottom.

Larry and Bay as we stopped for gas on the way home. I love these two people more than life itself.

Uncle Danny, Theresa, Larry, and Kim.

The whole gang. Bay cracks me up in this picture. Bayleigh, Joseph, Whitney, Kaitlynn, Elijah, Maddie: the dog, Kaleb, Cody, Larry, Me. Tony, Uncle Danny, Larry, Theresa, Kim, Josh, and Donnie.

The guys. Larry, Tony, Uncle Danny, and Larry.

Bayleigh, just hanging in the lake.

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