
Friday, February 11, 2011

Random Thoughts!

I have not done a random post in a while so how about that today?!!! As you know, my randoms are basically just thoughts I think often, but have NOTHING to do with one another. Do you ever do that? Here we go...
*I think the price of toilet paper is ridiculous, but I insist on using Charmin because, well to be honest I am too sensitive to use any other. (TMI, I know).
*I am in love with my Kindle.
*I am so excited Verizon offers the iPhone now, but I am holding out for the creation of iPhone5!
*I've been reading the bible....I easily get confused and sometimes wonder just exactly what it means in certain parts. I may explain this in a much later post for now, I am hoping to figure it out on my own.
*I can't believe how cruel the world can be.
*I can't believe how great this world can be!
*I don't have a good day everyday and sometimes I know that my day should be better, but CHOOSE to have a bad day. AND, I am OK with choosing that because it doesn't happen often and I feel better afterwards.
*I've come to the conclusion a clean house here probably isn't going to happen. Let me explain....Once it is cleaned good and we are proud to enjoy the fruits of our labor we are prompted to have an improv party brought on by an ice storm and power outage! LOL! (I am thankful the house was clean when hosting though).
*I love my dog....he is the biggest baby ever, but I can't stand the drool.
*Our clock ticks SO loudly in the family room!
*I am not excited about Bayleigh going to school all day next year, but she is stoked.
*I am not ready for Bayleigh's baby teeth to fall out because my biggest fear is that she will have skank crooked teeth like me.
*As unexcited as I am about the above random....she is equally as excited for that to happen. She was the tooth fairy for Halloween. She wants to be a dentist, and she has me check to see if her teeth are loose on a weekly basis.
*I'm cold.
*I never thought I'd be so excited to see 40 degrees in a forecast. That's 1/2 way to 80! YEAH!!!
*Tough love is hard to accept and dish out.
*EWWWW! I just remembered my dream and it was about shaving my arm pits and not being about to shave it all off for various reasons. ODD!
*Valentines Day is SO overrated, but I still love it!
*My life is, like everyone's, far from perfect, but I am constantly trying to find the positive in most situations. I think we are so quick to point out what's wrong and voice that that we easily over look all that is right. I fail miserably at this sometimes though....I'm human.
*I bought Bayleigh a Punky Brewster DVD for Christmas and we've yet to watch it....what's wrong with us?!!!!
*I remember bawling my eyes out when Cherrie locked herself in the freezer. (see above random).
*Our next vacation will ONLY be me, Larry, and Bayleigh. It WILL happen this summer.....Wonder where we will go???? Larry wants a STAYcation.....that could be fun too and he doesn't ask for much so we will probably go that route. Not to mention, my idea would be the beach--Larry hates the beach.

OK, that's enough for now! Hope this blog finds you well. Until next blog!
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