
Friday, October 8, 2010

Pain leads to surgery....again!

Well! A lot has happened since my last post! So, LAST Thursday night after dinner I ended up having another attack. It completely took me by surprise because up til this point I had felt SO good. I felt way better than I had felt for a long time prior to surgery as well. Then after eating I ended up with the attack. I chalked it up to the dinner I had had and was able to get it under control with pain medicine. Then Friday night I was working late and also got to keep my nephew over night again. I was tired, but didn't feel bad. We got home and it was late so started to get ready for bed because Bayleigh and I had to be in Shelbyville with Melanie at 7 a.m. for the benefit walk for Brody Stephens. I noticed quickly after getting ready for bed that I wasn't feeling well. I immediately took a pain pill to try to keep it under control and it just never worked. The whole night is pretty much a blur. I remember at some point texting Melanie and telling her that I wasn't going to make it to the walk because of the attack. I never heard back from her. Finally, I woke Larry up and asked him to contact my mom to see if she would keep the kids while he took me to the E.R. I thought I'd just go get some pain meds in an IV and get to come home--WRONG!
We get to the E.R. around 8:30 or 9 a.m. and after blood work and waiting what felt like was FOREVER, but I am sure is exaggerated due to my pain levels, but anyways we go in and do a CT Scan and I believe some X-Rays and then at some point they decide that they are keeping me. Why? I had no clue. I was pretty messed up on pain medications at this point. I remember them getting me up to my room and being impressed with the size and privacy I had and I remember the nurses saying to Larry that they cannot believe I was still walking at this point, but that is basically it. Come to find out they decided to keep me for pain control and to figure out the source of the pain. I guess the scans were coming back OK to the average eye, but they were waiting for a more trained eye to read them to decide what was wrong. I know that my white blood cell counts were over 21 or 23,000 and the high end of normal is 10,000 so something was wrong, but it was just a matter of figuring out what.
Sunday rolls around--pretty much a blur. Pain, blood work, waiting...same story.
Monday rolls around--still terrible pain, an ultrasound of my gallbladder is ordered, more blood work, did I mention still in pain??? yeah! So, after the ultrasound Dr. Viera comes in and tells us that I have gallstones and need to have surgery. This is around 2 p.m. and he wanted me in surgery at 3! WOW, talk about getting the show on the road. Surgery ended up going well. He did say that the GB was FULL of stones and infection and puss. I came out of surgery with a drain tube sticking out of my side as well. GROSS! Mom said that Dr. Viera did say that had I waited until the next day to have the surgery I would have been in far worst shape. I am SO thankful that I was too miserable to eat that lunch tray I told them I was not allowed to eat. ((This is exactly 3 weeks to the day of the other surgery at I.U.))
Tuesday rolls around--I was still hurting so badly. My IV had blown so I probably would not have been so bad off if it had not been for that, but anyone that has dealt with pain knows that if you let it get away from you it's hard to get back under control. That evening another surgeon comes in and I explain my pain and ask about going home. He said that he would leave it up to me as to if I went home, BUT I was not the average GB surgery patient that when they got in there I was a MESS sooooo, he thought I should stay. SO, Stay I did. Luckily too because that night I ended up having an allergic reaction to my pain medicine and that had to be switched and Benedryl had to be givin to stop the buring and itching. :)
Wednesday rolls around--I am feeling MUCH better! I am actually hungry and ready to go home. YEAH! After having lunch I was able to be dismissed and able to come home.
So far things are going well. Each day I get better and better. My new pain medicine knocks me out very quickly, but as of right now--Friday at 2:35 p.m. I have had NO pain medicine today! :) I have a few appointments such as lab work, surgeon follow ups, family dr follow ups, and to have the drain tube removed in a couple weeks, but hopefully now I will be well on my way to feeling great! FOR GOOD THIS Time. :) Thank you again for for thoughts and prayers. Hopefully soon we can get onto more positive and much more fun blogs! :)Until then!

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