
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Goodbye Tube! Hello Zoo!

Ok, so it is Thursday, but let me start with the beginning of the week. Monday I had a doctor's appointment at 8:15 to check on my tube from having my gallbladder removed. Luckily it was taken out! The site where the tube went in was infected and painful so once he got it out it felt much better! My stitches in the other 3 incision points where removed as well. I really like Dr. Vierra. He is SUPER intellegent and very funny. He is great at what he does. The removal was not the most pleasant experience that I have had, but he kept if fun and tried to keep my mind off of it. Little did I know...there was like 12 inches of tube in there and so it took longer than I thought to come out.
Tuesday, Bayleigh got her first official report card. She is doing great! Of course being Kindergarten there are no letter grades, but rather just markings showing what they know. There was an "A" Applebee's card in there for her to get a free shake, soooooo I am guessing all those marks equal A's. :)
Wednesday-Friday this week is Fall break so no school. YEAH! No traveling to the school two times a day. Thankfully my wonderful friend Jennifer takes her reducing what would be a three times per day to a two! Thank you Jennifer--You are the best! I only had Trent Wednesday so Bayleigh, Trent, and I decided to hit the town for time out of the house. We went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things and then Bayleigh and I each got our hair cut. She just got hers trimmed to take care of the dead ends, but it was the first time for her to get her head in the sink for a washing that she was a bit intimidated by, but ultimately loved. When it came time for my hair cut she pretended to be a "barber" as well with the empty chair beside me.
Today, Thursday, Bayleigh, Trent, Mason, and I hit the Indianapolis Zoo and my dumb butt forgot the camera! arggggggg! We had a wonderful day. It was chilly, but beautiful. The animals were really active as well. Bayleigh even got bit by a duck! It was funny, she says he "nibbled" on her! She also got to pet the Kangle (sp?) and a black rat snake that the lady told her could be found in her backyard. UMMMMMM! NOOOOOOO! It can't! and NOOOOOOO! It better not! Momma is NOT a snake fan at all! All three were absolutely wonderful! I love being able to take them. Sunday we are supposed to go back with Melanie and the kids to participate in Zoo Boo. It was going on today as well so the boys got a kick of seeing the kids in their costumes. They don't start the activities until 2 and I was too cold to go thru the zoo again to gather candy, so I treated the kids to Dairy Queen afterwards. OK, so let's be honest...I have a mad addiction to their Pumpkin Pie Blizzards right now and it was SO a trip for me, but I had just spent the chilly day with three kids alone at the zoo...I sorta earned that treat! ;)
So, that's what's been going on this week. Tomorrow is a long day for me. Mel's kids don't come until the afternoon so I HAVE to spend the morning cleaning! My house is just stupidly gross right now! I also need to finish Bayleigh's costume for Halloween. I need to find some pink leggings or something for her to wear bc the panty hose are not going to cut it with it being so cold. I also need to find her something to cover her arms. Indiana weather doesn't allow for costume planning. I remember freezing our rears off one year and sweating the next....I need a beach house so I can stop complaining about this cold. ;)
Hope all is well with you! Thanks again for checking in!

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