
Sunday, January 10, 2010


January 7th, 2010 proved to be a very fun day in the Rutherford home! It was the first really big snow day of the season! School was closed and most of Indiana was blanketed with 4-7 inches of snow. My day was easy because I only had two kids and Bayleigh, so I decided to bundle Bayleigh up just before her nap time let her play in the snow. SHE LOVED IT!

I felt comfortable "cutting the cord" a bit and allowing her to play in the fenced in back yard alone after I took a few pictures because I had to be in the house with the boys. Trent was still awake, but in the walker and Mason Man was fast asleep. I kept checking on Bayleigh every few minutes to make sure she was ok and in the process of me being in and out I kept playing phone tag with Melanie. I seen my mom pull up, but continued my conversation with Mel and I went to check on Bayleigh in the backyard and SHE WAS NOT THERE!!!! OMGosh! I panicked! I was kicking myself in the rear for allowing her to be out there and I was scared to death, but luckily, because she seen my mom pull up she opened the gate and went to the front door and let herself in. I am REALLY torn about this happening because in one aspect I think ok, I have this fenced in backyard and this child that REALLY is responsible and good and I really need to do things to show her my trust in her. Also, to add to that, we are fortunate enough to live in a quiet community where everyone watches out for everyone and things are quiet. There is NO way I would have even considered letting her go out alone like that in even Shelbyville. In the other aspect I think ok, she is still a child and maybe I shouldn't have done that. Well, once Larry got home and I told him of what happened, (which for the record: we all feel that she never would have left the gate had it not been for mom pulling up), he simply put the lock back on the gate and problem solved! Bayleigh can go out in the backyard and nobody can come in the backyard. :) (Yes, I did have nightmares that night too of what could have happened).

SO anyways, back onto the better memories from the day...As I sat watching the closings and reports from the weather all day, I noticed that WISH-TV Channel 8 had a website that you could upload your pictures of the snow. So, I had taken a few really good shots of Bayleigh playing in the snow and I thought, hummmm, I think I'll email them a picture. Up until this point I hadn't seen them show any pictures of people, just homes, neighborhoods, cars, birds, etc. I email the picture saying, "It might be messy outside, but my 5 year old Bayleigh sure thinks it tastes GREAT!"! Needless to say, I was watching the, hang with me here, I was watching the Ch 8 news on Ch 23 at 10 pm and at the end of the broadcast they ran a slideshow with pictures that viewers had sent in. BAYLEIGH'S PICTURE MADE IT ON TV! They said they had hundreds of pictures sent in and BAY'S MADE IT! I was SO proud to say the least! :) I then switched to the Ch 8 news on Ch 8 at 11 pm and they played it again! So AwEsOmE!

Ok, now on to the good part. Here are the pictures that I took. I know that I have put some of the same pictures twice, but I use this as sort of an online photo storage too, and I really wanted them on here. I was playing around with my editing program Larry bought for me awhile ago. Enjoy!

She had been crying because her swing "broke". It didn't break it just came unhooked at the top.
Red jelly on her tongue from lunch, not blood. LOL!

This was what she did most of her time out there!

THIS is the picture that made it on the news!

See MOM! I licked it all off!

A snow angel made by my snow angel!

She kept throwing snow up in the air and letting it fall on here. (Like it wasn't snowing hard enough!)

Not wet enough to make snow balls, but she sure tried!


There is something about this picture that I just adore.

She could see her breath!

I promise I fed this child lunch. :)

Just before the drama of the other swing coming unhooked!

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